Who we are

RIOTE is a theatre platform of a European partnership.  The name RIOTE is an acronym of Rural Inclusive Outdoor Theatre Education, while it embodies also two English words: RIOT and RITE. The word ‘riot’ represents the need to search for alternative paths in making theatre as an incentive force of the civilization and the word ‘rite’ recalls an original meaning of theatre with a social function.

The partnership is a collection of theater companies, programmers and film makers who are passionate about rural and outdoor performance.

We are researching diverse and approachable styles of outdoor theater which can surprise, challenge and relate intimately to people’s lives. We are interested in outdoor theater’s potential to reach new audiences who are not necessarily theater goers.

The UK has a Rural Touring Network which is a nationwide initiative developed over the past 50 years. It takes brilliant performances to remote communities with the help of local people. The UK is one of the only countries to have such a network and we, at RIOTE, are want to create one that reaches across the whole of Europe.

Companies from Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and the UK have created RIOTE – “Rural Inclusive Outdoor Theater Education”; a three year project which will enable the companies to visit each other and learn from their approach to outdoor and rural theater. We also showcase each other’s work across Europe and bring high-quality theater to rural areas.

Summary Of the first project in one pdf document:

Riote About

Partnership member organizations:

Kud Ljud (SI)

Shoshin Theatre Association (RO)

Utca-SzAK (HU)

Take Art Limited (UK)

Protagon e. V. (DE)

Teatro Nucleo (IT)

une idée dans l’air (FR)

SINUM Theatre (coordinator, HU)

Broken SpectaclesDartington Arts (ex partner, UK)

TTB Teatro tascabile di Bergamo  (ex partner, IT)

Control Studio Association (ex partner, HU)

Soltis Lajos Theater (ex partner, HU)