Zsámbék – Joint Staff Training

This was the last training in 2018 with the participation of Kud Ljud, Utca and Control. The training was a continuation of the second training in Ljubljana in a small Hungarian town called Zsámbék. The three partner continued researching innovative possibilities with the performance Metamorphosis in three locations: Zsámbék, Zugló, and Dunaszekcső.

26th September – 2nd October 2018


Dunaszekcső – Mid-term Partner Meeting

The second Partner Meeting of the RIOTE 2 project in Hungary has given the chance for a general evaluation of the past year with the presence of each contact person from every partner. The partners made a schedule for the next year and spoken through the topics of project – sustainability and – dissemination, especially in the prospective of the planned Multiplier Events in 2019. Take Art, Kud Ljud and Control made a presentation about the Intellectual Outputs in their actual state.

24th September 2018


Magyarfenes/Vlaha – Joint Staff Training

One of the most important training of the project happened in Romania in 7 days instead of the previous 5 days with the participation of TTB, Shoshin and Control. This was a continuation of the first training in Bergamo in a small village closed to Cluj-Napoca (RO). The participants continued the Indian dance, the Voice training and the physical training including acrobatics and stilt workshop. The organizer offered a barter for the local inhabitants. At the end of the training the pupils of the training and the actors of Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo made a work presentation to the local people in the cultural hall of the village. The local community was asked to show something to the actors, as an exchange, but it didn’t happened this time because of lack of encouragement. This will be the next step in the future.

23-29th August 2018


Totnes/Dartington – Joint Staff Training

The training held by Broken Spectacles Theater Company in Dartington Hall, was the missing peace of the previous training process. The training focused more on the emotional work of the actor through sensations, memory, human relation and body expression. The course invited for one day also the young dance students of Yeovil College. They have fully taken part of the training in that day, therefor the participants who usually work with adult people, could experiment the work with an other age group.

25-29th June 2018


Somerset – Vocational Education and Training

RIOTE UK partner, Take Art, led this training. They are an arts development agency, experts in the field of rural touring as well as working to support the theatre and dance infrastructure in the region of Somerset. The aim of the training was to fully introduce the project partners into the diverse work of Take Art, through personal experience. The partners learned how they could potentially bring community arts development to their own work, making it more sustainable, and gave project examples of how to increase community engagement and build individual’s capacity (adult education). Take Art also showed the partners first-hand the rurality and beauty of the Somerset landscape. Also the staff explained how the National Rural Touring Forum model works in the UK in order for the partners to begin to understand the ‘ingredients’ required to start similar rural touring networks in their own home country or province.  An additional working task was to devise a Creative Europe application concept together, with the aim of creating some sustainability for the RIOTE partnership. 

2-6th May 2018


Ljubljana – Joint Staff Training

Some months later we are in Ljubljana. Street Theater from upside down. The partners experienced a completely different way of making street theater comparing to the previous training. We were on streets interacting with people. What was theater and what was daily life? The participants were walking on the border just to live this ambiguity. One of the outcome of the training was the ‘Metamorphosis’, a group of people with hidden earphones were following the direction of an outside eye given through a microphone. Appeared on street a group of people moving together in a perfect choreography interacting, surprising, provoking the everyday life.

9-13th April 2018
